Everyone knows that I find the beauty in the cracks of the diamond, for there is where it sparkles.
Something I have noticed about the people who live here happily is that they wait, or more like can’t wait for something weird and funny to happen to them, that is the difference between people who love this life and hate it. Oh, and they possess a certain “pirate quality”.
Living on a rock in the middle of the ocean isn’t for all, but the ones that find the humor in the everyday are the ones who find this place real paradise.
There is so much funny on this island, take for instance the time I killed the FUCK out of a spider in front of my child, I didn’t just whack him with my shoe, no, I SNAPPED. Tell it to your shrink kid, that mutherfucker had to go.
The number one thing I hear from my mainland people is “You’re living my dream”. I’ve been thinking a lot about that one, and I have also gotten tons of emails from people that are “seriously considering this life”. So here is what my observations are so far of the people who do it and how.
Most people that live here did not wait until they made their millions to move here, oh HELL no, they just took off, and most of them don’t have their millions yet either, they work just like everyone else.
They ditched the American Dream, and said “Fuck it, I can’t do this anymore’. Some came with a boyfriend or girlfriend, some came with a job, and the others just decided to get the hell outta dodge.
Sure, there are some that got transferred down here with a job, but those are few comparatively. Some just came for a visit and never left. I love those people.
None of them really had a huge plan except they didn’t want to live the life they were living anymore, and a lot of them got here and just figured it out. There is a real theme of not overthinking the whole thing. I mean come on, you aren’t exactly normal if you want to live this life.
I’ve never once heard anyone who had moved here say that they were just looking for a normal life, go to work, head home, take your kid to soccer, and be in bed by 9. Those aren’t the people that come and stay here, they are the people who come here, freak the fuck out, and leave.
This life is not normal.
I fucking hate normal and look for ways to destroy it. Out of boredom alone normal is not welcome. I mean, sure, being able to ALWAYS flush your toilet is nice, but not at the cost of my soul.
I’ve also noted that there are a lot of people here that, oh how do I say it, don’t give a fuck. They don’t give a fuck about what other people think. They don’t give a fuck about what people do, they only really give a fuck about what they are doing.
They go to church, they don’t, they drink, they don’t, they smoke, they don’t, they workout, they don’t, and they never push their ways on you. There is an addictiveness to that, I mean, come on, why do people give so many fucks about so much?
I guess what I am trying to say is that the people that want to be here are, they aren’t rich, they aren’t special in any other way than just being themselves, and I suppose in this world that is pretty special.
They come here, work hard, head to the beach, and are living their dream life, and anyone can do it if they really want to.