I’ve written about the magic of Hull Bay many times. When I first moved here it became my touchstone for new friendships, great food, real people, and great music.
It is setup much like your childhood camp with a bar in the front and the back, and every Monday they have taco night, mothers and fathers chasing their children back and forth, people laughing and drinking beers, and in the corner was a one man guitar band, Jubal.
A lot of Mondays for two years our babies played, we ate, and listened to him. Slowly I became friends with Jubal, and we were able to pass back and forth our creativities.
We shared the same thoughts of politics and humor, as they tend to be one and the same, and had the same religious views, or view of religion rather.
But this week he died. I believe that this island is shaking.
When you live in paradise you are not void of sadness, oh quite the contrary, you feel everything, maybe even more than the life of distractions we all ran from.
So last night some of us gathered as his friend streamed his music for us at Hull Bay, and there was an emptiness there, and I wished to hear “Lizzy’s here” as I have so many times.
My thoughts are with the ones that will miss him. I know your heart is shattered.
Thank you Jubal for the many times you gave your beautiful talent to us, our lives are better because of yours.
“I can’t help but think how awesome it will be for your daughter to have such a creative force in her life. It humbles me, your enthusiasm, and thank you for your ears” -Jubal